MockServer is available as a docker container that allows you to easily run MockServer as a separate container on any environment without having to install Java or any other libraries. The docker container fully encapsulates all requirements required to run MockServer (such as Java) and separates the running MockServer instance from all other parts of the system.

MockServer docker container can be found at MockServer Docker

Running MockServer Docker Container

The typical sequence for running the MockServer docker image is as follows:
  1. Install Docker
  2. Pull (or Update) Image
  3. Run Container
In addition it is possible to customise how the container is run.  

Install Docker

To install Docker see the installation instructions.


Pull MockServer Image

To pull the MockServer Docker image use the pull command, as follows:

docker pull jamesdbloom/mockserver

This is not strictly necessary as the image will be automatically pulled if it does not exist when the run command is used. However, using the pull command will ensure the latest version of the image is downloaded.


Run MockServer Container

Then to run MockServer as a Docker container run the following command:

docker run -d -P jamesdbloom/mockserver

The -P switch in this command tells Docker to map all ports exported by the MockServer container to dynamically allocated ports on the host machine.

To view information about the MockServer container, including which dynamic ports have been used run the following command:

docker ps

Configure Port Mapping

This MockServer docker container exports the following ports:

  • serverPort 1080
  • proxyPort 1090

To specify which ports (on the host machine) should be mapped to the MockServer docker container use the -p <host port>:<container port> option, as follows:

docker run -d -p <serverPort>:1080 -p <proxyPort>:1090 jamesdbloom/mockserver

For example:

docker run -d -p 1080:1080 -p 1090:1090 jamesdbloom/mockserver

Only specify the required ports, for example, if you are not using the proxy there is no need to provide port mapping options for the proxy ports, as follows:

docker run -d -p 1080:1080 jamesdbloom/mockserver

Modifying Default Command

By default when the MockServer container runs it executes a bash script passing three command line options, as follows

/opt/mockserver/ -logLevel INFO -serverPort 1080 -proxyPort 1090

It is possible to pass an alternative command line to the container, by pre-pending the command to the end of the run command, as follows:

docker run -d -p 1080:1080 -p 1090:1090 jamesdbloom/mockserver /opt/mockserver/ -logLevel INFO -serverPort
	1080 -proxyPort 1090

For following command can be used to view the available command line switches:

docker run jamesdbloom/mockserver /opt/mockserver/

   Error: At least 'serverPort' or 'proxyPort' must be provided [-logLevel <level>] \
                     [-serverPort <port>] \
                     [-proxyPort <port>] \
                     [-proxyRemotePort <port>] \
                     [-proxyRemoteHost <hostname>]

     valid options are:
        -logLevel <level>                       OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE or ALL, as follows:
                                                WARN - exceptions and errors
                                                INFO - all interactions

        -serverPort <port>                      Specifies the HTTP and HTTPS port for the
                                                MockServer. Port unification is used to
                                                support HTTP and HTTPS on the same port

        -proxyPort <port>                       Specifies the HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS and HTTP
                                                CONNECT port for proxy. Port unification
                                                supports for all protocols on the same port

        -proxyRemotePort <port>                 Specifies the port to forward all proxy
                                                requests to (i.e. all requests received on
                                                portPort). This setting is used to enable
                                                the port forwarding mode therefore this
                                                option disables the HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS and
                                                HTTP CONNECT support

        -proxyRemoteHost <hostname>             Specified the host to forward all proxy
                                                requests to (i.e. all requests received on
                                                portPort). This setting is ignored unless
                                                proxyRemotePort has been specified. If no
                                                value is provided for proxyRemoteHost when
                                                proxyRemotePort has been specified,
                                                proxyRemoteHost will default to "localhost".

        -genericJVMOptions <system parameters>  Specified generic JVM options or system properties.

   i.e. /opt/mockserver/ -logLevel INFO -serverPort 1080 -proxyPort 1090 -proxyRemotePort 80 -proxyRemoteHost -genericJVMOptions "-Dmockserver.enableCORSForAllResponses=true -Dmockserver.sslSubjectAlternativeNameDomains=','"

Then the appropriate options can be specified, for example, to setup a direct proxy (from to using the following command:

docker run -d -p 1090:1090 jamesdbloom/mockserver /opt/mockserver/ -proxyPort 1090 -proxyRemotePort 80 -proxyRemoteHost

Interactive Shell

It is possible to launch the container with an interactive bash shell as follows:

docker run -it -p 1080:1080 -p 1090:1090 jamesdbloom/mockserver /bin/bash

Note: in this example above the -d flag (for daemon) has been replaced with -i (to stdin open) and -t (for pseudo-tty) to ensure docker creates the container in the foreground with an attached stdin, see the docker documentation for more details.